New sponsor: NSONE

Many of you might know that up until now, jsDelivr was using Akamai to host our DNS.

For a time, this was a usable solution, but unfortunately we realized that the performance of Akamai’s DNS does not meet our requirements. We get millions of requests every day from all countries around the globe and need the best possible performance for every single user that we serve.

That’s why we contacted NSONE. They run an anycasted DNS network that’s in every major market and spans six continents. They assure me they are working on a POP in Antarctica too. :)

NSONE services companies with distributed infrastructures that need a flexible way to route their traffic, and beyond being consistently among the fastest DNS providers on the planet, they also focus on the quality of the answers they return to make sure your users are routed to your application infrastructure effectively.

Aside from just having great performance, NSONE offers several unique features that made them really stand out to us. For instance, they developed the “Filter Chain” to easily configure complex traffic routing algorithms. NSONE also offers simple ways to ingest and process real-time telemetry about your systems and the Internet, so they can route eyeballs to your optimal application endpoint based on metrics that matter to you, not just using geography.

After some testing, NSONE seemed like a perfect fit for jsDelivr and we’re happy to announce that NSONE is now one of our major sponsors. They will help jsDelivr grow bigger and become even faster than before.

NSONE's CEO, Kris Beevers, says, "As purveyors of a faster Internet, CDN aficionados, and generally open source-loving humans, we’re excited to sponsor jsDelivr and support the OSS community."